App Studio: Entry 1

I want to create an app that helps with planning and time management. I have barely passable time management and it would be a great way to help myself and people that need to improve their time management. Similar to this could be an app that improves habits or breaks them. While this may be easier in the form of a simple reminder, it is not as useful to me. In this app, I hope to combine the functionality of time trackers and to-do list into a single functional app

Time Management App

The objective would be to create an app that works in tandem with a person’s calendars to block out times when tasks can be accomplished and give reminders when a task can be completed. It could also work off of knowledge of a person’s habits, say limit work time based on previous habits or give suggestions to start projects earlier.

My target users would be college kids who are just starting to learn time management skills and want to passively learn how to do it without as much forethought.


There is serious competition for this, both on the side of task lists/planners and time trackers.

  • – To do list with built-in calendar support
  • Smarter Time – phone usage tracker, can be connected to computers.
  • RescueTime – phone usage tracker, has computer tie in. Doesn’t work as well
  • Google Tasks – Simple to do list attached to every Google account.

Fortunately, there seems to be very little competition for an app that does both.


I can foresee a few challenges with a project of this scope. Foremost would be a user’s reluctance to give over the necessary information. It will be necessary to build the features in such a way that each part can work without the input of all the others if a user’s doesn’t want to, say, give access to calendars or doesn’t want to input the time they will spend napping.