Close Phase
This app is a relatively simple app that displays a calendar and allows users to add goals and events to that calendar. The app then tracks goal completion and inform users about their habits
Lessons Learned
I think the biggest lesson I learned from this is that focusing an app on a single operation is the most important aspect in an app. Even trying to create multiple related functions as an MVP lead to each lacking a finishing touch.
Technical Review
Similarly to the technical review for the adapt phase, understanding that Android Studio using Java has a lot of boiler plate code slowed down my work. Using Kotlin instead of Java, or using a wrapper such as React Native or Flutter would have made the final product has a more finished look and the pieces would have fit together more seamlessly.
The over all design was fairly underdeveloped. While the app did achieve some conformity to Material Design, using one of the wrapper s instead of Android Studios would have made the default UI elements pre-styled instead of having the manually change each element as I went.
Future Plans
I think that I will bring this app to completion as I hope to get a job making mobile apps. The app requires several changes including:
- Making the calendar, goal list, and dashboard reload when new goals are added
- Having the goal list display completed goals correctly
- Having the dashboard display graphs
- Adding icons
If I can get this working, I will likely only keep it around as a demonstration of capability as it would require a lot of polishing in order to be competitive with existing apps. Especially since Google calendar recently included a goal setting feature.