App Studio: Entry 3

Explore phase

Unfortunately, I was more ambitious than I should have been. While React Native is a great library and fairly easy to use even with all the modules, there were almost no libraries for accessing data usage as it is an exclusively Android functionality. Even then, data collection on such a scale is frowned upon even if it is just displayed to the user.

Since that is the case, I have switched to using the native Android Studio. In React Native, I would have to write all the code in Java and then wrap it in React in order to access all the phone data I would need. I did complete the prototype and had some user testing though few people seemed to be as anal about tracking their habits as I was.

The final product is mostly a proof of concept that I can integrate all the pieces together. The polishing will come later.

The calendar was requested from the phone calendar. This should be changed in a production version of the app to a login with server storage of all user data to allow for cross platform tracking.

Lastly, the main point of the app to track user’s data had to be shelved for now while the groundwork of a calendar and event interfacing was laid.

Link to Prototype:

Link to Github: