App Studio: Entry 5

Iteration 2: Speulate

Having recieved user testing and seeing how people responded to my first iteration, I need to reprioritize my feature list to be more goal oriented and less about the minute minutes of people’s daily phone usage.

Ideally, the app would have year’s goals, which were broken down by months, then by weeks, and, lastly, by day to day. For an MVP, all this data could be stored to a user’s calendar and not stored on a server. In a further iteration the data should be stored server side so that user’s could easily resume long term goals when they get a new phone. Also for the MVP, I think having goal break downs and some measure of time tracking at a minimum. Lastly, after each event in a user’s calendar, the app will have a notification asking them if they accomplished whatever the goal was and mark that down. I think having a subjective measure is better than having an objective measure of time as most of my user testing indicated that goal achievement was measure more as an emotional response than whether or not they spent x hours doing an event.

In a further iteration, I may use these coupled with the time tracking to create a metric of how well they have progressed towards their goal. This sort of breakdown is a very common theme in goal setting books. The app should start up and load goals as well as checked off goals. It will then check if there are any markers for this week related to each goal and warn users if they are not progressing toward a goal.