App Studio: Entry 6

For this stage of iteration 2, I pivoted away from solely tracking users and focused more on creating a goal oriented app with the added feature of tracking time and relating that to goals.

I spent most of my time creating a new prototype as both a visual for user’s and a road map for myself. I was then able to use the road map from the prototype to prioritize working what features to work on. Android, as I have previously found is fickle and, with each new update, changes the fundamental way in which things are coded.

Despite this I was able to learn some more about fragments and data storage and how best to implement them into my app. Time tracking, though previously fundamental to my app, will have to wait until I have a firmer grasp of Android Studios. Understanding how the app can work outside its sandbox, how apps can best store data, and how to programatically make beautiful UIs will have to come first.