App Studio: Entry 7

Iteration 2: Adapt Phase

In this iteration, I had focused more on creating a goal-setting system. A such much of my user testing revolved around how often people set goals and whether they track the goals in terms of sub-events completed or an emotional feeling about them. More user responded that the tracking was a quantitative process if they used one, but the completion was more of a qualitative one. This means that a simple check-in after events should be enough to determine if users achieved a goal.

Compared to my last iteration, which was more focused on laying the ground work for data tracking and reporting on that, this iteration is more about creating and following through with goals. If I do not have time tracking in this iteration but have check ins after events about completeness, I will consider that an MVP.

This will then require a database to store goals and events related to them. This shouldn’t be too hard as the database will only have 3 tables: one for events and one for goals and one for completed goals. I could create a table for each goal area, but I found most users in my target demographic – 18 -25 years old – don’t plan out farther than 6 months – 1 year. This will result in under 100 goals at a maximum.

Lastly, there were a number of UI changes I have to make. Most of them are similar to the previous iteration but with the exception of making the Goals easier to read, as it was not included in the last iteration. The UI changes will be very important as most users I interviewed were ambivalent about using a goal setting app, even though they set goals and tracked the progress of them