Fabrication: Entry 4

Project Milestone 1

While the project has taken a  drastic turn from my initial plans when starting my warm-up project, it has come together nicely with manageable pitfalls.

The first pitfall I came across was my lack of skill in working with leather. I have previously sewed several items with cloth, including pants, blankets and a doll. Leather, unlike cloth, is a very tough material that usually requires specialized tools to score the leather,  punch holes, and then stitch the leather. After looking into leatherworking most of the serious tools were more necessary for heavy leather, which the shoes I bought were not.

Another problem I came across was how to create the horns for the mask. My initial thought was to buy plastic tubing and then stretch the plastic into tapered horns. The type of plastic was fairly easy to decide on after a quick search on the available plastics at McGuckin’s. A propylethelene works best as it is thermoplastic, meaning it can be reshaped after heating, and does not release chlorine like thermoset PVC.

Unfortunately, plastic does not melt like metal and instead of stretching with gravity it tends to bunch up and become lumpy because of the uneven heating of a propane torch. I was able to create both a curled horn and a tapered one but both will need to be wrapped with cloth or leather. I may use metal or plastic piping to give a more stylized look instead of the quasi-realistic look I was hoping for with the plastic.

I still have a few changes which I may make going forward, including how the back of the mask looks, what the lights will light up to,  and how the jawbone will connect to the leather.


Fabrication: Entry 3

Project Details

I want to make a mask that will light up and play a sound whenever a specific hashtag is used on Twitter. The mask will be made from recycled materials and in the shape of Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, from Lovecraft’s mythos. Most of the mask will be made from recycled shoes and other leather items from thrift stores. The horns will likely be made from PVC painted black, unless I find some other horns, real or not. Lastly, the main eyes will be made from goggles, while the secondary eyes will be made from glass over LED lights. The electronics will be powered via battery pack and light up the eyes and play sound from speakers in the ears. Most of the mask will the held together by glue with additional decorative stitching as needed.

I took inspiration for this from Freehand Profits, who makes gas masks out of sneakers. I also wanted to keep continuity within my body of work and dark, goaty, Lovecraftian masks fit in nicely.



  • Shoes/jackets/purses (mask material) – $50
  • Goggles – $10
  • Chicken wire (for structure) – $10
  • Glue – $10
  • Plastic piping (for horns) – $10
  • Glass marbles/pieces (for extra eyes) – $10


  • Led strip – $40
  • Battery pack – $8


  • Milestone 1: Finished schematics, bought materials
  • Milestone 2: Finished Electronics, all mask parts made
  • Final: Finished mask

App Dev: Entry 3

Project 1: Milestone 3

The final project turned out about as well as I hoped for. The sound cuts out and the timer stops when the app is closed. The colors I was also able to change to white on black which makes the app less inviting. I was also able to make the sound smooth even when all sliders were in use.

The coding is a bit unconventional. Instead of using the buffer from the audio engine built into swift,  I created  timer to add a new version of the audio clip after 4 seconds which will create a memory leak due to the clip being a tenth of a second longer than the timer. Originally, I stopped the audio player and restarted it each cycle but the delay of stopping and starting made the playback choppy.

The oscillation is also hacked together. The audio engine should be set up with an oscillator node but due to it complexity I created a timer that changes based on the volume and, using a sine wave, updates the volume every .1 seconds.

Going forward with the app, I would like to make the sound modulation better as the current sound becomes a whine when put up to higher frequencies. I would also expand the button area to encompass more of the screen. I would also like to add multiple frequencies that the user can choose from instead of modulating a single sound. Lastly, the app should tack study time and give a report based on the persons study habits and give advice to study more, study less or invite the user to get a different app if they are using it for sleeping.

Fabrication: Entry 2

Warm-up project.

I spent most of the past three weeks learning about how Arduinos work and howTwitter’ss API can be utilized. Unfortunately, I underestimated the amount of debugging that would be required for the final assembly as well as the consistency of learning materials out there. Initially, I attempted to build from Sparkfun’s LED-connected Cloud but I decided against that and instead tried to recreate a twitter reader using the same setup. I was able to get the code to where I believed it would work and relegated the Twitter API and parsing to a web server.

The web server was actually the easiest part as most of the code was already written by someone else here. (Thank God for good documentation). Unfortunately, I cannot put it in here due to WordPress being written in PHP as well.

For the Thing, I used the HTTPClient and WiFi libraries from ESP8266, the chip on the Thing. The Thing would ping my web server every 5 seconds and the server would respond with the number of seconds since the last twitter I sent.

// Included Libraries
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

void setup() {
     // put your setup code here, to run once:
     // Set up Wifi
     Serial.begin(9600); //Serial connection
     WiFi.begin("", ""); //WiFi connection
     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { //Wait for the WiFI connection completion
void loop() {
     // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
     if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){ //Check WiFi connection status
          HTTPClient http; //Declare object of class HTTPClient
          http.begin("http://api.akierson.com"); //Specify request destination
          http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); //Specify content-type header
          int httpCode = http.GET(); //Send the request
          String payload = http.getString(); //Get the response payload
          http.end(); //Close connection
          // Send out to LED

The Mini would then take the Serial input and put it to the LEDs as the number of lit up LEDs.


// Pin definitions
#define CLOUD_A_PIN       6

// Number of lights, pin number (6), 
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip_a = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, CLOUD_A_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

int ledsLit;

void setup() {
  // Configure LED pins
  pinMode(8, INPUT);
  // Clear LED strips

void loop() {
  char outputLED[3];
  char inChar;
  int index = 0;
  while(Serial.available() > 0)
      if(index < 2) // One less than the size of the array { inChar = Serial.read(); // Read a character outputLED[index] = inChar; // Store it index++; // Increment where to write next } outputLED[index] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string } String input = String(outputLED); if (input.toInt() > 0){
    ledsLit = input.toInt();
  int i;
  for(i=0; i < ledsLit; i++){
    strip_a.setPixelColor(i, 127, 127, 127);
  for(i=ledsLit; i < 60; i++){
    strip_a.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0);

The physical creation was surprisingly easy to create from the supplied schematics and I assumed that the original creators would use some standard practices with their schematics. Unfortunately, they didn’t use the attached serial pins and opted for digital ones and their images of the project didn’t match the schematics. The final problem I ran into was the power supply. A 5V 4A power supply is hard to find. Luckily, I was able to find one at the last second in my junk drawer.

Ultimately, this project was a failure for me as I have no experience with electronics and the jargon surrounding it. I also severely underestimated how long debugging would take when using physical components. I think, given another few attempts, I will be able to create a functioning prototype.

App Dev: Entry 2

Project 1 Milestone 2

Prototyping.  As far as apps go the interaction will be fairly simple: the user loads up the app and can then turn the noise on or off with the timer resetting each time the app is stopped. I was thinking about adding more functionality to add a count down timer so the user could study for thirty minutes but given how bad I am at prolonged work, I think the simple time keeping is enough to keep users on task.

The design of the app is white on black as opposed to the usual black on white. The mostly black design will be less distracting while also providing constant reminders of how little much time has passed. I decided against the previous pastel coloring as it appears to inviting and users may be tempted to pick up their phone if they see anything on it.

The sliders each control a metric of the white noise: the volume, the volume oscillations, and the pitch or Hrz. The pitch and the Hrz are built into the Apple Audiovisual SDK. The volume, I may remove as it is redundant because of the external buttons.

I have run into several road blocks on creating white noise using Apple’s SDK. Chiefly, the noise generators, while easy to understand then expected, are primarily designed for single notes which might make a jingle or help in creating an equalizer. White noise, however, is a random sampling on noises primarily around one note but with enough randomness as to not be musical but itself.

Link to Invision prototype: https://invis.io/XWOE9BWN4US#/323587385_Untitled-1_Opened_Copy

Form: Entry 6

Response to ‘Power of Good Design’ & ‘The Demise of Form follows Function

Form follows function. Most modernist designs live by this rule. Famed designer, Dieter Rams proposes that good design should follow a few rules: be user-friendly, be environmentally friendly, be well produced, be timeless, and be modern while still allowing users room for self-expression. Considering that most modernist pieces have kept their timelessness, I think that Rams’ rules are very accurate. The New York Times, however, has proposed that such rules of design are no longer necessary as more of an item’s function can be fit into smaller and smaller spaces. Their case in point was the 2009 iPod Shuffles that were, in form, clips but, in function, trumped the computing capacity of all of NASA’s early systems.

Good design should be more than just surface level. The New York Times ignores that fact that Apple’s design team ignored some fundamental rules when they created these and thus have created a product that is unlikely to see the resurgence years later. On the other hand, the modernist chairs that people like Rams have created will continue to make resurgences as people rediscover the quality, design, and durable creation that make things timeless. Rams’ rules are not to be taken as needed but as a sum whole. Users will not like a product if it is not durable and unobtrusive. Products will not be timeless if people don’t like them and they are stuck in a single time period.