German: Entry 1

Reflective Paper 1:  Death Fugue by Paul Celan


Death Fugue by Paul Celan is one of the most intense poems written after the Holocaust. It is rife with contrasts and deeper meaning as well as references to other literature pieces. The poem was written after the end of World War two by Paul Celan, a Romanian Jewish man who survived Auschwitz and some of the worst parts of World War Two. He grew up in the short-lived kingdom of Romania and was moved, along with most of the Romania Jews, to ghettos before being moved to concentration camps. After the war, he moved to Western Europe to avoid the communist regimes.


The poem, aptly and perhaps, redundantly, is called Death Fugue. Todesfuge, in German, calls back to the repetition of a motif found in fugues. In the poem, the lines “Black milk of daybreak we drink it at evening / W drink it at midday and mornings we drink it at night/ we drink we drink” are repeated, with slight variations, at the start of each stanza. In the fugue, the post motif part is called the episode. It is paralleled by lines about the overseer and him writing back to German, presumably to his golden-haired Aryan lover.

The use of Margaret is a callback to the German ballad of Faust, most notably interpreted by Goethe. Margaret, or Gretchen as she is often called, represents an ideal, Christian, German woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. The antithesis, as written in the poem, is Sulamith, a stand-in for the typical Jewish woman. Interesting her hair is referred to as “ashen”, which is not typical black that Jews typically have.

There are several contrasts in the poem, notably the black milk. The contrasts are also shown in between the golden-haired Margaret and the ashen hair Sulamith. Subtler is the contrast between digging a grave and being cremated and having a “grave the in the clouds there you won’t lie too cramped”. Also, there is a contrast between the character of the narrator and the overseer who, given the context, led very different lives with very different belief systems.


While a lot of German writers in post-war Germany were German veterans, Paul Celan stood out as a Jewish German Holocaust survivor. His writing was more emotional and displayed the horrors of war in vivid detail. He also told his poems with deep emotion that could only be achieved by someone who lived through the things he wrote about. Many of his contemporaries disliked his writing for this reason. One instance is told about when he went to read for some of the leading Trummerlitertur authors and they laughed him off stage for trying to express his experience of the war with emotion.


I think the Death Fugue is one of the most moving poems out there and I would be hard pressed to find a better author for it. It is unlikely that the Western world will ever have such authentic expressions of pain and horror anytime soon, god willing.

App Dev: Entry 1

Project 1


  • Single View App
  • Creative idea or concept
  • Focus on how the design and interactivity flows for the user
  • Larger than a lab
  • Support device configurations
  • Be complete with a launch screen and app icons

One page app. One much can I actually fit on a single page? I’m not much of an apple fan so the limitations of the device are new to me. Originally, I wanted to create an app that would track phone usage by apps and give daily/weekly/monthly reports on how much time is being wasted. However, Apple doesn’t offer that kind of functionality in iOS 11. Next, I looked at tracking personal data that the user input, such as fitness, food, money, or general goals. Alternatively, I was thinking about making a card based app that would show pictures of a particular category, say cute cats.

After some more refining, I decided against having a data tracking app as it would necessitate at least two screens for data entry and data review. My last idea is for a simple white noise app, four buttons for four levels of white noise, add a timer to give a sense of accomplishment for not using your phone and, voila, a finished product. I like the idea of having a simple timer with white noise because that is how I generally study.

Similar apps already exist but most of them are geared toward sleeping and putting children to sleep rather than studying. Additionally, most of them had excessively complex layouts with extra featured related to sleep. The one I did like was called fuzzy but it was only a white noise generator.

For this app, I will need to look into modulating volume and pitch via Swift. I may also want to periodically change the background image depending on the pitch. The timer I may give the functionality to count down from a set numberUntitled-1-01.png

Fabrication: Entry 1


Today, I start my warmup project for Studio: Fabrication. For my final project, I hope to make an Internet-connected lamp that will light up based on some data stream. Currently, I am looking at the larger data streams such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. However, as the lamp is likely not going to be an installation piece, I am leaning toward more localized data, such as weather, tides, or personal Twitter/Facebook feeds.

My first idea for this was a small lamp/oversized paperweight that would mimic local tides with a miniature wave pool. Similarly, I was thinking to simulate the weather with an automated snowglobe that would start snowing when snow was forecasted for the next, say, five days. Unfortunately, both of these require an airtight container for continued functioning.

As for larger data feeds, I was thinking about doing a twitter happiness indicator. Maybe a globe that shows where people are using the happy emojis in real time. This would be similar to Jell-O’s happiness billboard they did a while back. Other similar globe based ideas would present a challenge as I can only feasible have so many lights on the globe due to monetary constraints.  Similar, I could have a light up book that shows updates to Wikipedia.

Alternatively, I could focus more on the representation of the incoming data in a unique and artist way as opposed to finding an interesting data stream.

In the end, there are certain constraints I need to hold to: the project can’t be too large,  the data stream needs to change multiple times a day, the data stream can only have a few dimensions, the final form of the lamp needs to be related to the data stream displayed


Form: Entry 16

Project 4: Final


  • Papercraft


Title: Santa Muerte

Tagline: Hasta la Muerte

Artist’s Statement: (Psa 23:4) Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo; tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento.

The model was easy to make. However, difficulties arose when I attempted to use the Pepakura software. The software is mostly well made but lacks a few crucial elements that are pronounced at high polygon solids. For example, the software assumes the paper is infinitely thin which makes folding because very inexact as the more folds there are. Additionally, the software fails to account for the size of the flaps and will occasionally place flaps on top of each other or make them too large to fit under the faces they should. It works fine for low poly solids, but then again so should the native UV mapping in most software.

Form: Entry 15

Project 4: Sketches and Moodboard


  • Papercraft


I wanted to keep the dark theme of most of my projects; however, I had already made a Satan’s head so a lo-poly papercraft goat head was out of the question. Instead, I opted for a Santa Muerte 3D portrait or possibly a sculpted bust depending on the how well the paper holds up.
I decided on Santa Muerte because it would be interesting to add cuts to the face for the black makeup as well as other features. My other plans were for a more detailed background but, I assume, that small features are harder to create than larger ones.


Form: Entry 14

Project 3: Final Project


  • Multiple 3D printed parts
  • Laser cutting
  • Modular
  • Functional


Name: Erste Walpurgisnacht

Tagline: Von Goethe bis du.

Artist Statement: I was inspired to create this piece as it was around Halloween and I had recently read part of Goethe’s epic Faust. In Faust, the titular character is taken to Walpurgisnacht by Mephistopheles, aka the Devil. Walpurgisnacht is an ancient Germanic legend about the nights around Halloween when the witches, goblins, and fae come out to cavort with the Devil.

I wanted to create a lamp that would project a forest silhouette into the room along the clouds and devils. I ditched the devils and clouds as PLA would not print thin enough to give the ghostly feel of the clouds.

I created the silhouette first and then ported it to Blender and wrapped it around the shape of the cage. The skull was sculpted in Blender and then parts were removed to accommodate the light.

My initial sizing was too large and would have taken in the range of two days. I halved the size and was able to get the print time down to 10 hours. Unfortunately, the 3D printers are awfully maintained and the print looks terrible.


Form: Entry 13

Project 3: Sketches and Moodboard


  • Multiple 3D printed parts
  • Laser cutting
  • Modular
  • Functional


I took inspiration for this project from German pencils cases that I would use back in elementary school. I wanted to create something functional after my last paperweight project.

The case will be small as I only use a few good drawing utensils. I have not finalized the engraving on the front but, I was thinking about a draw scale portrait of Bob Ross. or an Albrecht Durer woodcut.

Form: Entry 12

Project 2: Final


  • Laser Cut or
  • 3D Print


Name: Portable Satan Head

Tagline: For the modern Satanist in you.

Artist Statement: Are you feeling overwhelmed by Bible thumpers on campus? Have you lost touch with the Father of Lies? With this Portable Satan Head, you can once again be reminded that God isn’t real and that eternal damnation was a lie to keep people from having fun.

I decided to create this Portable Satan Head to see how well my technical skills with Blender and Illustrator were. I also wanted something to match the theme of Satanism that has been in most of my projects.

I created an initial sculpt of my trophy head in Blender. Then, I created the slices that I would print using a combination of Boolean modifiers and solidify ones. After a few failed attempts at creating a usable template, I was finally able to export one to Illustrator that would work. I traced it in Illustrator and added a few details and minor changes so that the construction would go smoother. Next, it was on to laser cutting.

Unfortunately, I was unable to use wood for my print and was forced to use the more expensive acrylic. I downsized my model and was able to get a successful cut on my first try.


Form: Entry 11

Assignment 3: Final


  • A typography laser cutting
  • Functional


I continued with my original idea of corruptions of popular culture and created a set of wooden, engraved coasters with fitness quotes that sound terrible when applied to drinking. I also added a few that were reminiscent of other pop icons like Nike, and Alice in Wonderland.


I created my typography using stereotypically Western fonts to go with the wood material and eventual beer stains. There are nine designs: 4 fitness/drinking quotes, 1 Nike slogan, 1 Alice in Wonderland, 2 drug references and the Pirate Bay X Louis Vuitton from my original sketches.

Unfortunately, I was unable to laser cut out the wood I bought despite being what I had previously been told. So I used a jigsaw and a power sander to create them as circular as possible.

Form: Entry 10

Project 2: Moodboard & Sketches


  • Laser Cut or
  • 3D printed


I was inspired to create a wooden trophy head like the ones you see in hipster coffee shops. A while ago I helped move an old-fashioned Safari hunter who had decorated his entire living room with 300 guns and the head of thirty odd animals. While I am not a vegan, I am also not wealthy enough to have real animal heads on my walls and will have to settle for wooden ones. I was thinking about either making a satanic goats head complete with the pentagram and Alchemical cross on his forehead. I also considered doing a Dr. Seuss style head; however, I am not sure how well the strange necks and odd tufts of fur will translate into woodcut silhouettes. I believe that I will be able to combine both my skills in Illustrator and Blender to create a feasible schematic. I will create a sculpted model in Blender and then take cross sections of it and export it to Illustrator for final touches and the joinery cuts.