Capstone: Entry 2

Updated Research Questions

While my previous research questions were great, their scope was a bit too large and not focused enough. My research questions should have tangible outcomes.

I was thinking of creating a machine that triggers every time an obituary is posted. This is not a research question so much as the answer to one. The research question should be more like: How can interactive art help people come to terms with their own mortality?

The other questions about consumerism could be more focused to be: How can apps and personal technology be used to better inform us about our consumer choices?

Lastly, the bit on being edgy should be left out. It was a dig at the wholesomeness entrenched in Boulder. However, the idea behind creating perversions of common concepts, technologies, and cultural landmarks still does appeal to me. A question about this could be, generally: How can interactive art be used to how the Sartrean absurdism in life? Though too general this question could be refined to point out some facet of the world I live in. One where people will ask for donations to Greenpeace while wearing clothes made in sweat shops, showing some strange idea that the animals in those far off countries are worth more than the people there.

Research Questions

  • How can apps and personal technology be used to better inform us about our consumer choices?
  • Could interactive art help people understand their own internal cognitive dissonance and biases?
  • How can interactive art help people come to terms with their own mortality?