Capstone: Entry 5

50 + 50 Ideas

Ideas from Class:

  • RSS Feed of Deaths
  • Map showing estimated deaths in real time
  • Interactive art piece showing an individual’s impact of consumer usage with pics of dead children
  • Measuring app using dead children as a measurement for products
  • Narrative of phone creation
  • Surrealist look at consumer usage – substituting people with cats or something
  • AR for statues, war memorialsgiving wiki pages and kill counts
  • Generative art showing trade routes of products
  • Generative art showing the digital impact
  • Music device with triggers on social media impact – likes, retweets etc.
  • Music triggers for war tolls
  • More accurate war memorials
  • AR showing massacre locations
  • Crime feed in social media look
  • App alerting users to places where crimes took place
  • AR HUD
  • AR HUD making us all look like sims
  • AR HUD showing social media data of people
  • Brain mapping cognitive biases
  • Art project showing company slogans and public images with enviromental impact attached
  • Recreation of ads showing death toll
  • AR showing everyone’s indirect kill count
  • Social media posts whenever someone contributes to killing the enviroment
  • Social media posts whenever someone contributes to slavery
  • AR showing products that are indirectly supporting slavery
  • Masks made of corporate items
  • Chains made from nestle procuts to show their support of slavery
  • AR surrealism app mimicing LSD
  • phamtom rings on phones to gaslight user
  • Non-art installation of a room/the installation room
  • AR showing people’s clothing impact
  • HUD with clothing prices with Amazon tie in
  • Chrome extension to show products kill count on Amazon etc.
  • Generative terrian game
  • RPG fighting corporate villians
  • Get companies to support a non-existent video project – with a video project at the end showing the company’s enviromental impact.
  • Impossible monopoly-esque game about corporate take over the app
  • Phone ad blocker
  • Generative hat maker
  • Generative Clothing maker
  • Generative art in the style of HR Giger
  • Platforming where the terrian is based on tweets – the player has to tweet enough and get enugh replies to continue getting land to run to
  • Platformer where the in game currency is created by social media clout
  • Likelihood someone could commit a crime and get away with it based on social media clout
  • Death Metal bluetooth hi jacking somehow replace localized notification sounds with death metal
  • Gernerative tweets based on someone’s social media that people might tweet after their death
  • Obituary creator from people’s social media
  • Calculator for meauring someone’s authenticity
  • calculator for the originality of ideas
  • Rap generator

Ideas from 2nd round

I found the task interesting and that most of my ideas became centered around a few central themes. Most of my ideas were then variants on these themes. I wanted to work with social media and people’s digital footprints, I wanted to have some sort of generative process either with machine learning or algorithmic, and I wanted to shame people for being consumers. I found that since most of my ideas were variations on similar themes, it was hard to create 100 distinct ideas.

I thought most of the feed back I was got was good. People seemed to like the HR Giger headphones more than I anticipated. I was also surprised that some of the feedback on the two subversive ideas were positive and that the person might actually use it. It surprised me as the rest of the feedback on it was positive that it would be good commentary and an nice art piece or that it was terrible.