Fabrication: Entry 3

Project Details

I want to make a mask that will light up and play a sound whenever a specific hashtag is used on Twitter. The mask will be made from recycled materials and in the shape of Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, from Lovecraft’s mythos. Most of the mask will be made from recycled shoes and other leather items from thrift stores. The horns will likely be made from PVC painted black, unless I find some other horns, real or not. Lastly, the main eyes will be made from goggles, while the secondary eyes will be made from glass over LED lights. The electronics will be powered via battery pack and light up the eyes and play sound from speakers in the ears. Most of the mask will the held together by glue with additional decorative stitching as needed.

I took inspiration for this from Freehand Profits, who makes gas masks out of sneakers. I also wanted to keep continuity within my body of work and dark, goaty, Lovecraftian masks fit in nicely.



  • Shoes/jackets/purses (mask material) – $50
  • Goggles – $10
  • Chicken wire (for structure) – $10
  • Glue – $10
  • Plastic piping (for horns) – $10
  • Glass marbles/pieces (for extra eyes) – $10


  • Led strip – $40
  • Battery pack – $8


  • Milestone 1: Finished schematics, bought materials
  • Milestone 2: Finished Electronics, all mask parts made
  • Final: Finished mask