Form: Entry 1

Assignment 1


  • 3’x3’x3′
  • Functional
  • Inspired by “The Bus”


I read Paul Kirchner’s “The Bus” a while back and was inspired by how he was able to write a whole comic series using only a few characters and no dialogue. The book was quirky and surreal. I really liked it, particularly  this self-referential one here:theBus3

I also needed something to craft The Bus into. I am not a material person so just a model of the bus was not going to cut it for me. I decided on a water bottle top as it is both functional and novel, without adding extra weight.


The modeling was a bit harder with the bus given the number of parts needed to create an accurate bus. The windshield, in particular, was challenging as it was curved in an organic fashion and simple cylinders would not work. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the specifications for the screw lid for my specific bottle and had to approximate.

Paul Kirchner’s “The Bus” and the 1970 GMC Suburban Charter were my inspiration


First round of bottle top sketches

Process Images and a few final renders