Form: Entry 14

Project 3: Final Project


  • Multiple 3D printed parts
  • Laser cutting
  • Modular
  • Functional


Name: Erste Walpurgisnacht

Tagline: Von Goethe bis du.

Artist Statement: I was inspired to create this piece as it was around Halloween and I had recently read part of Goethe’s epic Faust. In Faust, the titular character is taken to Walpurgisnacht by Mephistopheles, aka the Devil. Walpurgisnacht is an ancient Germanic legend about the nights around Halloween when the witches, goblins, and fae come out to cavort with the Devil.

I wanted to create a lamp that would project a forest silhouette into the room along the clouds and devils. I ditched the devils and clouds as PLA would not print thin enough to give the ghostly feel of the clouds.

I created the silhouette first and then ported it to Blender and wrapped it around the shape of the cage. The skull was sculpted in Blender and then parts were removed to accommodate the light.

My initial sizing was too large and would have taken in the range of two days. I halved the size and was able to get the print time down to 10 hours. Unfortunately, the 3D printers are awfully maintained and the print looks terrible.
