Project 1
- Single View App
- Creative idea or concept
- Focus on how the design and interactivity flows for the user
- Larger than a lab
- Support device configurations
- Be complete with a launch screen and app icons
One page app. One much can I actually fit on a single page? I’m not much of an apple fan so the limitations of the device are new to me. Originally, I wanted to create an app that would track phone usage by apps and give daily/weekly/monthly reports on how much time is being wasted. However, Apple doesn’t offer that kind of functionality in iOS 11. Next, I looked at tracking personal data that the user input, such as fitness, food, money, or general goals. Alternatively, I was thinking about making a card based app that would show pictures of a particular category, say cute cats.
After some more refining, I decided against having a data tracking app as it would necessitate at least two screens for data entry and data review. My last idea is for a simple white noise app, four buttons for four levels of white noise, add a timer to give a sense of accomplishment for not using your phone and, voila, a finished product. I like the idea of having a simple timer with white noise because that is how I generally study.
Similar apps already exist but most of them are geared toward sleeping and putting children to sleep rather than studying. Additionally, most of them had excessively complex layouts with extra featured related to sleep. The one I did like was called fuzzy but it was only a white noise generator.
For this app, I will need to look into modulating volume and pitch via Swift. I may also want to periodically change the background image depending on the pitch. The timer I may give the functionality to count down from a set number