Project 1 Milestone 2
Prototyping. As far as apps go the interaction will be fairly simple: the user loads up the app and can then turn the noise on or off with the timer resetting each time the app is stopped. I was thinking about adding more functionality to add a count down timer so the user could study for thirty minutes but given how bad I am at prolonged work, I think the simple time keeping is enough to keep users on task.
The design of the app is white on black as opposed to the usual black on white. The mostly black design will be less distracting while also providing constant reminders of how little much time has passed. I decided against the previous pastel coloring as it appears to inviting and users may be tempted to pick up their phone if they see anything on it.
The sliders each control a metric of the white noise: the volume, the volume oscillations, and the pitch or Hrz. The pitch and the Hrz are built into the Apple Audiovisual SDK. The volume, I may remove as it is redundant because of the external buttons.
I have run into several road blocks on creating white noise using Apple’s SDK. Chiefly, the noise generators, while easy to understand then expected, are primarily designed for single notes which might make a jingle or help in creating an equalizer. White noise, however, is a random sampling on noises primarily around one note but with enough randomness as to not be musical but itself.
Link to Invision prototype: