App Dev: Entry 6

Project 2: Milestone 3

The finished product. Or at least as far as I was able to work on it without tearing out my hair in frustration at the run around between Google’s documentation and what developers were saying on Stack exchange.

My app turned out fine except for the inability to retrieve the SharedPreferences. I added a second Settings Activity from the built-in menu assuming that it would have nice documentation and pointers on how to get it to work. There was some. Unfortunately, it mostly said that it should automatically store all values. Somewhere between that and retrieving them, something broke.

I searched across the Internet for someone to point out how it all could be assembled, but everyone seemed to be asking some slightly different question with slightly different answers in response. So, like a good programmer, I tested them all. Nothing seemed to work. And now I’m left in amazement that Google didn’t have some foresight that people might not have hubris and use their pre-constructed Activities.

The final look of the app was about what I had hoped for in the beginning. Nice minimalistic. Now if only the damn thing worked.