Project 1: Creative Brief & Storyboard
For this project, I will be using Charlie Chaplin’s speech from the end of the Great Dictator. It is an invigorating speech about how man has the power to affect his future and how he should do his best to create a positive future free from dictators and greed and hate and intolerance. I feel the speech speaks to the current rise of popularism and authoritarianism. The speech has two motifs I want to use. First, it quotes the Bible. Second, it repeats itself with slight variations.
In order to capture the motifs as best I can, I want to use yellowed paper backgrounds and calligraphy fonts for most of the words. I will also like for the words to sort of ripple on the “page”. This should reinforce ti victorious feel of the speech. Lastly, I want to reuse portions of the text to reinforce the point. For example, when he says, “Let us use that power… Let us all unite… Let us fight for …” I will circle back to the same set of text.
The repeated phrases will ideally look similar. The “Let us [x]” will have the same basic frame each time.