Object: Entry 6

Project Proposal


My interactive object will be a Cthulhu mask made from recycled materials. The mask will contain three separate interactive systems. The first will be moving eyebrows, the second will be voice activated lights on the mouth tentacles to accentuate speech, and the last one will be a heart monitor which propagates lights through the mask in a breathing manner.

The mask will build off my previous experience making this mask. I liked making the mask as an art project. I would love to refine my technique and build onto the existing skill set.

Material List

  • Mask Material – Likely leather and fabric
    • Tentacles – clear tubing
    • Leather for top of mask
    • Sunglass lenses for four eyes
  • Sound Sensor – https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12758
  • 2x LED strip – Owned
  • Eyebrow Sensor – https://www.adafruit.com/product/2699
  • 2x Servo Motor
  • Heart Rate monitor – https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12650