Object: Entry 8

Progress Report

For the mask, I have obtained all of the sensors, most of the actuators, and all of the outer mask materials. Fortunately, all of the actuators use a simple analogRead to get input and all of the actuators I have worked with before.

As you can see the Myoware sensor output an analog signal that was easily mapped to the Neopixel.

Myoware Sensor in action
Pulse Sensor in action
Pulse monitor and servo in action

For the mask materials, I purchased some snowboard boots and have reformed those into the front part of the mask.

I also created an interior of the mask that will house the servos and actuating third eyelids. I opted for the third eyelids as they are more reptilian than eyebrows or eyelids. I created several iterations of these using cardboard but, due to most laser cutters not allowing particle board, I was unable to create a final cut of these.

3D render of interior
Sketch for laser cutting